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Collegiate® Dictionary
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Keller, Helen
lecturer and writer Helen Keller overcame severe physical disablities,
inspiring many other people to similar accomplishments. Deaf and blind
from the age of 19 months, Keller learned to communicate with the help
of her teacher, Anne Sullivan. Sullivan taught Keller to read Braille and
to "listen" by feeling a speaker's face. Keller graduated from Radcliffe
College in 1904 and authored a number of books about her experiences..Microsoft®
Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All
rights reserved.
Immanuel Kant,
German idealist philosopher who argued that reason is the means by which
the phenomena of experience are translated into understanding. His classic
works include.Critique
of Pure Reason.(1781)
of Practical Reason.(1788),
in which he put forward his system of ethics based on the categorical imperative.Microsoft®
Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All
rights reserved.
Arthur Koestler.1905-1983
Hungarian-born writer whose
novel Darkness at Noon, 1941, portrays his disillusionment with
Communism. His other works include The Sleepwalkers, 1959, and The
Ghost in the Machine, 1967
kangaroo court.noun
a mock
court set up in moral violation of
honest and fair examination procedures by peers;
a court characterized by dishonesty
or incompetence in order to
get rid of someone by some means; an unjust court
of a friendly warm-hearted
nature; being understanding; helpful; considerate (kind to animals);
forbearing; tolerant (our neighbor
was very kind about the window we broke); agreeable; beneficial (a dry
climate kind to asthmatics)
a group of individuals linked
by traits held in common;
a particular.variety;
a sort.(what
kind of soap do you like best?)
the quality or state of
being kind; an instance of kind behavior
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