Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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loom, loomed, looming, looms.intransitive verb
to seem imminent; impend; to come prominently into view; a highly noticeable massive, distorted, or indistinct image; to appear; to appear to the mind in a magnified and threatening form; 
an apparatus for making thread or yarn into cloth by weaving strands together at right angles; a distorted, threatening appearance of something

Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len.HawaiianZero Limits book cover therapistJoe Vitale with Dr. Hew Len who helped heal an entire ward of criminally insane people, all of whom have been released, and the ward closed. Joe Vitale coauthored the book.Zero Limits.with Dr. Len. Click on the picture for an overview of the book. Click on the book cover for more. 

characterized by or produced with extravaganceand profusion-(a lavish buffet); profuse; immoderate in giving or bestowing; unstinting (the critics were lavish with their praise) 
lavish, lavished, lavishing, lavishes.intransitive verbs-
to give or bestow in abundance; shower: lavished attention on his customers
lavishness, lavisher.noun

luxury.noun, plural.luxuries
something inessential but conducive to pleasure and comfort.; something expensive or hard to obtain; sumptuous living or surrounding (lives in luxury)
attributive.often used to modify another noun (a luxury condominium; luxury accommodations)

characterized by rich or profuse growth; producing or yielding in abundance; excessively florid or elaborate; marked by or displaying luxury; luxurious

producing wealth; profitable

lyses.noun, plural.lysis
lysem, lysed, lysing, lyses.transitive.and.intransitive verbs.
to undergo or cause to undergo lysis
lysis.noun; plural.lyses
Biochemistry..the dissolution or destruction of cells, such as blood cells or bacteria, as by the action of a specific lysin
an antibody that is capable of causing the destruction or dissolution of red blood cells, bacteria, or other cellular-elements
a term describing the bacteriophage cell making so many copies of itself within the host cell that it hijacked (it's parasitic), that it bursts

a rounded projection, especially a rounded, projecting anatomical part (the lobe of an ear); a subdivision of a bodily organ or part bounded by fissures, connective tissue, or other structural boundaries

any of a group of conjugated proteins in which at least one of the components is a lipid. Lipoproteins, classified according to their densities and chemical qualities, are the principal means by which lipids are transported in the blood.

sleight of hand as of a magician; a show of skill or deceitful cleverness

attributive:-often used to modify another noun (leisure time; leisure travel) idiom-at (one's) leisure; freedom from time consuming duties, responsibilities, or activities; when one has free time; at one's convenience

strict, literal adherence to the law or to a particular code, as of religion or morality

used to attract attention or to show surprise

easily bent; supple; having the ability to move with ease; limber

in the same way; in like manner; similarly; also

a strong persistent.yearning or desire

soft reflected light; sheen; brilliance or radiance of light; any of various substances, such as wax or glaze, used to give an object a gloss or polish
luster, lustered, lustering, lusters.verbs
transitive verb use.to give a gloss, glaze, or sheen to; to give or add glory, radiance, distinction, or splendor to
intransitive verb use.to be or become lustrous

having a sheen or glow; gleaming with or as if with brilliant light; radiant; bright

lapse, lapsed, lapsing, lapses.verbs.
intransitive verb use.to fall from a previous level or standard, as of accomplishment, quality, or conduct (a team that lapsed into mediocrity halfway through the season); slip (a lapse in attention caused him to stumble); to come to an end, especially gradually or temporarily (she realized that his attention had lapsed and he hadn't heard the assignment); to be no longer valid or active; expire (she allowed her membership to lapse after the first year); to go by; elapse (years had lapsed since we last met
transitive verb use.to allow to lapse
the act or an instance of lapsing (a lapse of memory; a lapse in judgment); a break in continuity; a pause (a lapse in the conversation); a period of time; an interval (a lapse of several years)

lithe, lither, lithest.adjectives
readily bent; supple.(lithe birch branches); marked by effortless grace.(a lithe ballet dancer)

Locke, John 1632-1704. English philosopher
in.An Essay Concerning Human Understanding-(1690) he set out the principles of empiricism, and his.Two Treatises on Government-(1690) influenced the.Declaration of Independence
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