The word belief means to 'be living', or 'being alive', or to 'be animated' to something.

Some believe they'll have a beer. They are alive to an idea that is good. The life force which comprises us all, animates us according to our belief in its presence within us. You know that if you drink that beer, it will be inside you and make you feel good.

Be alive ('belief') to the conviction of knowing your mind is one with Infinite Mind which is universal energy mind. Now we are getting into Quantum Physics, but when you realize with all your heart that you really do have control over this energy, then the shadow of any doubts dissipate.

Know for sure that the good things (as well as the bad) you construct in your mind will come out of the invisible into the visible and affect your life in the near future, the situations yet to come in your life.

Evil is the lack of life (the word 'live' spelled backwards; backward living is an evil to avoid). The real animated life should be springing from us in abundance.

Increase your belief, your sense of being alive, by determining to do only what is good for all,.every.time. Buy them all a beer. Look forward to having a beer again with them.

Remember to allow yourself the opportunity for subconscious guidance by taking time for solitude and quiet. In this way your conscious mind stays aligned with the set love purpose of the universe and you continue to hold your dream in the high state of belief.
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Answer B5-5 above, copyright www.asksuby.com

Relative Quotes:

"Be gentle to all and stern with yourself." ...St. Teresa of Avila, Spaniard 16th Century

"He who cannot forgive breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass." ... George Herbert 1593-1632, Poet

"Good looks have little to do with one's body and everything to do with one's mind." ...Mike Dooley, star in the movie The Secret.

"Success is a peace of mind which is a direct result of self satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do the best of which you are capable." ...Coach John Wooden 

"A human being is a part of the whole called by us 'universe'; a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and his feelings as something separate from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of consciousness." ...Albert Einstein

"The power of love & gratitude will dissolve all negativity in our life, no matter what form it has taken." ...Rhonda Byrne, The Secret.
