Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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not derived from something else; primary or basic; of or relating to an earliest or original stage or state; primeval
an unsophisticated person; one that is at a low or early stage of development; one belonging to an early stage in the development of an artistic trend
primitiveness or primitivity.noun

an island of southeast Greece in the Dodecanese Islands of the Aegean Sea. Saint John was exiled to the island c. A.D. 95 and according to tradition wrote the Book of Revelation here

receiving or subjected to an action without responding or initiating an action in return; accepting or submitting without objection or resistance; compliant; not participating, acting, or operating; inert; inactive; of, relating to, or being certain bonds or shares that do not bear financial interest; relating to or characteristic of an inactive or submissive role in a relationship
passive, passiveness.nouns
one that is submissive or inactive

one bound in servitude; a menial worker; a drudge; a foot soldier
the condition of being a peon under a system by which debtors are bound in servitude to their creditors until debts made by or ascribed to them are paid (government not creating their own zero interest money but putting the people in debt to a compounding interest system which produces perpetual debt)

a complete change; a transformation; the act of altering a given set of objects in a group

permute, permuted, permuting, permutes.transitive verbs
to change the order of; to subject to permutation

of high cost or worth; valuable; highly esteemed; cherished; costly; dear; beloved
precious, preciousness.nouns
one who is dear or beloved; a darling
precious, preciously.adverbs
used as an intensive-'he had precious little concern for others' - in other words, so little as to be almost none

proselytize, proselytized, proselytizing, proselytizes.verbs
transitive verb use.to convert (a person) from one belief, doctrine, cause, or faith to another
intransitive verb use.to induce someone to convert to one's own religious faith; to induce someone to join one's own political party or to espouse one's doctrine
proselytization, proselytizer.nouns

a new convert to a doctrine or religion
proselyte, proselyted, proselyting, proselytes.verbs
transitive verb use-to proselytize (a person)
intransitive verb use-to engage in proselytization

a solemn binding promise to do, give, or refrain from doing something (signed a pledge never to reveal the secret); a pledge of money to a charity' something given or held as security to guarantee payment of a debt or fulfillment of an obligation
pledge, pledged, pledging, pledges.verbs
transitive verb use-to offer or guarantee by a solemn binding promise (pledge loyalty to a nation; pledged their cooperation); devote; promise; to bind or secure by or as if by a pledge (pledged themselves to the cause); to deposit as security; pawn
intransitive verb use-to make a solemn binding promise; swear

capable of being handled, touched, or felt; tangible; easily perceived; obvious; perceptible

pineal gland.noun
a small, cone shaped organ in the brain of most vertebrates that secretes the hormone melatonin, also called epiphysis, pineal body, pineal organ

lasting or active through the year or through many years; lasting an indefinitely long time; enduring; appearing again and again; recurrent; continual
something that recurs or seems to recur on a yearly or continual basis
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