Do not become obsessed with anything.expanding arrows: website logo All is constantly changing. The foothold you gain today is passed on tomorrow.

The scientist who discovers a formation of atoms finds the structure of them changes as his/her mental 'vibes' change. Matter changes as mind changes, but all must continue to fit within designed patterns. For example, atoms combine according to certain universal laws that have been set by the Great Infinite Intelligence of the universe, who designed, implemented and sustains His creation by means of set patterns in energy.

Just like the laws in the seeds of life of all things, there is no chance to them, for they all work and continue to function according to these designed mathematical laws of this incredible intelligence.

Don't become too involved with anything. You are number one with yourself and your purposes for good. Why be a slave to anything that's less than this? Place your mind and unfolding its powers to be in harmony with universal energy first and your life will unfold with beauty and symmetry.

Answer C3-6 above, copyright www.asksuby.com

Relative Quote:

"The biggest message of the.The Secret.is for you to know is that you make your own life and that you are the expert of you! The Secret's message is to empower you with the realization of how magnificent you are and that you have all of the power within you to create your life the way that you choose, through the law of attraction." ...Rhonda Byrne, creator of the movie.
