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Kurt Gödel 1906-78
known primarily for his
research in philosophy and mathematics. He was born in Brünn, Austria-Hungary
(now Brno, Czech Republic). He was educated at Vienna University and taught
at that institution from 1933 to 1938. He immigrated to the United States
in 1940 and became an American citizen in 1948.
was a member of the Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton, New Jersey,
until 1953, when he became professor of mathematics at Princeton University.
became prominent for a paper, published in 1931, setting forth what has
become known as Gödel's proof.
This proof
states that the propositions on which the mathematical system is in part
based are unprovable because it is possible, in any logical system using
symbols, to construct an axiom that is neither provable nor disprovable
within the same system. To prove the self-consistency of the system, methods
of proof from outside the system are required. Gödel also wrote The
Consistency of the Continuum Hypothesis (1940) and Rotating Universes
in General Relativity Theory
(1950). Microsoft® Encarta®
Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Gödel's Theorem,
also known as the Incompleteness Theorem two theorems proposed by Austrian-born
American logician Kurt Gödel. These theorems state that some parts
of mathematics are based on ideas that cannot be proven within the system
of mathematics.
Gödel's First
Theorem states that any consistent mathematical theory that includes
the natural numbers (the counting numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, ...) is incomplete.
Second Theorem states that such
a theory cannot contain a proof of its own consistency; consistency may
be provable within some larger theory, but proving consistency within the
larger theory would require an even bigger theory, leading to a never-ending
sequence of ever-larger theories. In mathematics, a theory is consistent
when it is free from contradictions and complete when all statements or
their opposites (negations) are provable within the theory.
Gödel used an ingenious numbering
system to translate statements about a mathematical theorem T
into numerical statements within T.
Then he used many applications of the rules of logic
(called a proof) to show that a theorem could not be proven to be consistent
or complete.
To understand how Gödel's proof
works, imagine a numerical statement within T
that means "this statement has no proof in T".
Call this statement S and treat
it like any other statement in T.
If this particular statement S
is provable in T, then S
is false, which would make T
inconsistent, in that it's both true and false, so really, when are things
true? Therefore, S must be unprovable
and thus true. If S is true,
then the negation of S (not
statement has proof in T") must
be unprovable; otherwise
S would
be false. Because neither
or not S is unprovable, T
is incomplete. If we try to prove that T
is consistent, we prove S, which
is impossible. Therefore, T
cannot be proven to be consistent or complete.
Gödel published his theorem
in 1931, around the time when the German mathematician David Hilbert, leading
the formalism movement, proposed that every mathematical theory should
be given firm logical foundations.
Formalism aimed to establish the
completeness and consistency of each theory and to decide algorithmically
whether any given statement belonged in the theory.
This would reduce mathematics to
a mechanical process. Gödel's theorem showed that the formalists'
first two aims of establishing completeness and consistency must fail for
any theory involving the natural numbers. Similarly, the Undecidability
Theorems (1936) of American mathematician Alonso Church and British mathematician
Alan Turing showed that the third, deciding whether any statement belongs
in a theory, must fail. comprised with
Microsoft® Encarta® Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft
Corporation. All rights reserved.
common name for any member of an order of water
birds, superficially resembling ducks and loons, but entirely unrelated
to either. The feet of grebes, unlike those of ducks and loons, have three
unconnected, flattened, flaplike toes; the fourth toe is separate and very
small. Their legs are placed far back on their bodies and are not suitable
for walking but enable the birds to swim powerfully. The plumage, especially
on the breast, is dense and silky. The body color of most grebes is brown
or gray. In spring and summer, many have tufts of feathers on the head
and reddish brown patches on head and neck. In winter, most assume a plumage
much like that of immature grebes gray above and white below. Grebes are
about 13 to 29 inches (33 to 74 cm) long. The majority nest in swamps and
on the edges of ponds. Some birds nest on plant matter floating near the
edge of the water. The nests of all species are made of vegetation such
as grass and reeds and lined with softer material. The eggs usually number
from three to five.
Grebes not only eat feathers, apparently
their own, but also feed them to their young. Ornithologists
have speculated that the feathers perform a straining function for hard,
ingested substances, such as fish bones.
Of the 21 species of grebes, seven
breed in North America. The most widely distributed is the pied billed
grebe, which nests from central Canada to southern South America. It is
named for the black band across its short, thick bill. The largest North
American species are the western and Clark's grebes, which are so similar
that they were long thought to be color phases of a single species.
The graceful western grebe, is well suited for life
in water but cannot walk on dry land. The bird uses a variety of elaborate
dances during courtship. The mating pair, shown here, race side by side
across the water with their heads erect and their bodies pushed up out
of the water. Microsoft® Encarta®
Encyclopedia 99. © 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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