Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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a person who carries or proclaims important news; a messenger; one that gives a sign or indication of something to come; a harbinger.(the crocus is a herald of spring)
herald, heralded, heralding, heralds.transitive verbs
to proclaim; announce

hierarchy.noun.inflected form(s).plural.hierarchies
a system of persons or things arranged in order of rank; a graded or ranked series
of, relating to, or arranged in a hierarchy 

having or showing great pride or in oneself and disdain, contempt or scorn for others; presenting one's self with an attitude.exuding an overtone of superiority; arrogant

hearken also spelled harken.transitive-and.intransitive verb
to give careful attention to follow guidance

harrowing.transitive verb
to cultivate with a harrow (a cultivating implement set with spikes, spring teeth, or disks and used primarily for pulverizing and smoothing the soil); torment; vex

that can be inhabited (lived in); habitat

a place in which to live; a habitable locale

on the other hand; by contrast (the first part was easy; the second, however, took hours); in spite of that; all the same; nevertheless (the book is expensive; however, it's worth it); in whatever manner or way (however he did it, it was very clever); to whatever degree or extent (have begun, however reluctantly, to acknowledge the legitimacy of some of the concerns); in what way; used as an intensive of how (however did you get here so soon?)
in whatever manner or way (dress however you like)

the offspring of two animals or plants of different races, varieties, species, etc.

an animal with the sexual organs of both male and female

hadron.noun-(from Greek 'hadros, thick')hadrons, leptons
hadrons are constructed from quarks. A hadron is any of the subatomic-particles, such as a proton, that are made up of three quarks and are subject to the strong force. Hadrons can be manufactured in accelerators. 

A hadron is any particle that feels the strong force. Subclasses of hadrons are baryons and mesons. All hadrons except protons and neutrons are unstable and decay into other hadrons (baryons and mesons).

in Genetics, the offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or stock, especially the offspring produced by breeding plants or animals of different varieties, species, or races; something of mixed origin or composition; something, such as a computer or power plant, having two kinds of components that produce the same or similar results; a word whose elements are derived from different languages
attributive.often used to modify another noun (a hybrid tulip; a hybrid cell, a hybrid vehicle engine)
hybridism, hybridist, hybridity.nouns

hybridize, hybridized, hybridizing, hybridizes.transitive.and intransitive verbs
to produce or cause to produce hybrids; crossbreed
hybridization, hybridizer.noun

having human characteristics or form
a being having human form; also called android

Hammurabi died 1750 B.C., Babylonian king, 1792-1750, who made Babylon the chief Mesopotamian kingdom and codified the laws of Mesopotamia and Sumeria

high horse.noun
if you are on a/your high horse, you are talking or behaving in a way that shows that you think you are better than other people or that you know more about something than other people do

feeling or showing enmity or ill will; antagonistic.(a hostile remark); unfavorable to health or well being; inhospitable or adverse (a hostile climate); of, relating to, or characteristic of an enemy (hostile forces; hostile acts)
an antagonistic person or thing; an enemy in warfare

the state of being hostile; antagonism or enmity; overt warfare

a payment given to a professional person for services for which fees are not legally or traditionally required

a brown or black organic substance consisting of partially or wholly decayed vegetable or animal matter that provides nutrients for plants and increases the ability of soil to retain water

a smooth, thick mixture of mashed chickpeas, tahini, oil, lemon juice, and garlic, used especially as a dip for pita bread

high respect, as that shown for special merit; esteem.(the honor you show to another recognizing his higher, though maybe hidden, qualities that you know are there because you understand that underneath it all we are all of the same source) the honor shown to a Nobel laureate); good name; reputation; mark, token, or gesture of respect or distinction (the place of honor at the table)
honors.special recognition for unusual academic achievement (graduated with honors); a program of individual advanced study for exceptional students (planned to take honors in quantum physics)
honor, honored, honoring, honors.transitive verbs
to hold in respect; esteem; to show respect for; to bow to (another dancer) in square dancing (honor your partner); to confer.distinction on (he has honored us with his presence); to accept or pay as valid (honor a check; a store that honors all credit cards)
honor bound.idiom
under an obligation enforced by the personal integrity of the one obliged

deserving or winning honor and respect (led an honorable life bu being honest); bringing distinction or recognition.(honorable service to helping less fortunate persons); consistent with honor or good name (followed the only honorable course of action). distinguished; illustrious.(this honorable gathering of scholars); attended by marks of recognition and honor (received an honorable burial); used as a title of respect for certain high government officials (The Honorable Jane Doe, Associate Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts; used in the House of Commons as a title of respect when speaking of another member

the terminal part of the human arm located below the forearm, used for grasping and holding and consisting of the wrist, palm, four fingers, and an opposable thumb; a round of applause (clapping) to signify approval; physical assistance; help (gave me a hand with the bags please); the cards held in a card game by a given player at any time; a player or participant in a card game (we need a fourth hand for bridge); one who performs manual labor (a farm hand); the strength or force of one's position (negotiated from a strong hand); possession, ownership, or keeping (the books should be in your hands by noon); power; jurisdiction; care (the dinner is in the hands of the chef); iinfluence or effect (the general manager had a hand in all the major decisions).; evidence of craft or artistic skill (can see the hand of a genius even in the lighter poems); an aptitude or ability (I tried my hand at decorating)
hand down.phrasal verb
to bequeath as an inheritance to one's heirs; to make and pronounce an official decision, especially a court verdict
hand on.phrasal verb
to turn over to another
hand out.phrasal verb
to distribute freely; disseminate; to administer or deal out
hand over.phrasal verb
to release or relinquish to another
at hand.idiom
close by; near; soon in time; imminent
by hand.idiom
performed manually
hand it to.idiom
to give credit to (you've got to hand it to her; she came off those horrible drugs mostly by herself)
in hand.idiom
under control (the project is well in hand);. accessible at the present time; in preparation
no longer under one's responsibility, or in one's care (we finally got that project off our hands)
on hand.idiom
available; on (one's) hands or upon (one's) hands; in one's possession, often as an imposed responsibility or burden (now they have the grandchildren on their hands)
on the one hand.idiom
as one point of view; from one standpoint
on the other hand.idiom
as another point of view; from another standpoint
out of hand.idiom
out of control (untruths in society have gotten out of hand; over and done with; finished; uncalled for or improper; indiscreet
to hand.idiom
nearby; in one's possession

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