Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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a mathematical set of instructions; a formal sequence of instructions for that may be followed in order to achieve a particular purpose; precise mathematical series of actions, or measures taken to achieve a goal, like solving a computational problem where the programer has set instructions where one proposition leads to another and to another and so on; where if you know theorem one, that leads to knowing theorem 2 and two leads to theorem 3 and so on; Euclidian geometry is algorithmic for example; a non algorthimic system is where you go from 1,2,3,4,5,6, and then leap ahead to say 132 with nothing in between, yet Gödel's theorem states that if you have a sufficiently elaborate system of propositions in a mathematical system, then you find within that system a proposition that is not supported by the system, and this makes intuitive sense to most scientists but can't be explained by mathematical logic; see if Gödel's theorem makes intuitive sense to you

pertaining to chance or luck

align, aligned, aligning, aligns.transitive verbs
to bring into a straight line; to bring into agreement, close cooperation, etc.

allay, allayed, allaying, allays.transitive verbs
to reduce the intensity of; relieve

allege, alleged, alleging, alleges.transitive verbs
to assert to be true; to assert without or before proof; affirm (alleging his innocence of the charge); to produce as evidence
according to allegation
that can be alleged

something alleged; assertion without proof

inflected form(s).plural.allegories
the expression by means of symbolic fictional figures and actions of truths or generalizations about human existence; also, an instance (as in a story or painting) of such expression; a symbolic representation; an emblem
allegorical also allegoric.adjective
of, characteristic of, or containing allegory (an allegorical painting of Victory leading an army)
allegorize, allegorized, allegorizing, allegorizes.verbs
transitive verb use.to express as or in the form of an allegory (a story of barnyard animals that allegorizes the fate of Soviet socialism); to interpret allegorically (allegorize the quest for the Holy Grail as an inner spiritual search)
intransitive verb use.to use or make allegory (sculptors who rendered the moral world by allegorizing)
allegorization, allegorizer.nouns

the secretion (exudation) by plants of chemicals that inhibit the growth or reproduction of other plant species

alleviate, alleviated, alleviating, alleviates.transitive verbs
to make less hard to bear; lighten or relieve
alleviation, alleviator.nouns

at a distance; distant in interest; distant physically or emotionally; reserved and remote; offish
aloof, aloofly.adverb
at a distance but within view; apart

allot.transitive verb 
inflected forms.allotted, allotting
to distribute by or as if by lot.(allot seats to the press reporting on the concert); apportion; to distribute by lot or shares 
the act of allotting (the allotment of per capita currency); something allotted (the sailors drank their daily allotment of rum); a portion of military pay that is regularly deducted and set aside, as for the payee's dependents or for insurance

allude, alluded, alluding, alludes.intransitive verbs
refer indirectly (the candidate alluded to the recent economic upturn by saying "we've all made sacrifices to get here"); to mention, especially in a casual way

allure.transitive verb
inflected form(s).allured, alluring
to entice by charm or attraction 
allure.when functioning as a noun
power of attraction or fascination; charm 

the first letter of the Greek alphabet; the first one; the beginning
first in order of importance

alpha particles, alpha decay.noun
alpha particles act as one particle because two protons and two neutrons behave as a single particle such as helium; when alpha particles are emitted from an unstable radioactive.nucleus, the atom is transmutation alters it and it becomes a different element; alpha particles are a mode of decay that consists of the emission of alpha particles, with the emission known as alpha radiation; alpha particles typically come from massive nuclei, which emit this smaller combination of nucleons, where the nuclide "son" has 2 fewer-protons and 2 fewer neutrons than the parent nuclide; alpha particle radiation is 2 protons and 2 neutrons being emitted from a nucleus, causing the atomic number to decrease by two to form a new nucleus; example, a Uranium isotope.atom with a mass of 238, on emitting an alpha particle, becomes a new element, an atom of Thorium, mass 234

having or showing shrewdness and discernment, especially with respect to one's own concerns

a flow to or toward an area; to flow to

Archimedes, 287?-212 B.C., Greek mathematician, engineer, and physicist. Among the most important intellectual figures of antiquity, he discovered formulas for the area and volume of various geometric figures (such as the spiral), applied geometry to hydrostatics and mechanics, devised numerous ingenious mechanisms, such as the Archimedean screw and discovered the principle of buoyancy

animosity.noun, plural.animosities
bitter hostility or open enmity; active hatred; ill will

afflict, afflicted, afflicting, afflicts.transitive verbs
to inflict grievous physical or mental suffering on


known or understood by only a few (arcane economic theories); mysterious

of questionable authorship or authenticity; erroneous; fictitious; of or having to do with the Apocrypha

arouse, aroused, arousing.verbs
transitive verb use.to awaken from or as if from sleep; to stir up; excite (the odd sight aroused our curiosity; real lovers are aroused at the thought of each other); provoke
intransitive verb use.to be or become aroused; stir

an inherent ability, as for learning; a talent; ability; quickness in learning and understanding; intelligence

a plentiful supply of material goods; wealth; a great quantity; an abundance;  flowing to or toward a point; afflux
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