Based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary
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collective public power expressed constitutionally governing those elected to represent.(re-present) publically approved ideas; a sovereign political entity

a set of circumstances or attributes.characterizing a person or thing at a given time; a condition or mode of being, as with regard to circumstances.(a state of happiness after the win);
Physics.-.the condition of a physical system with regard to phase, form, composition, or structure (ice is the solid state of water)
state, stated, stating, states.transitive verbs
to set forth in words; declare

stately, statelier, stateliest.adjectives
dignified and impressive, as in size or proportions; grand; majestic; lofty
in a ceremonious or imposing manner

the act of stating or declaring; something stated; a declaration; a monthly report
make a statement.idiom
to create a certain impression

of, affected by, or produced by the mind; resulting from feeling; particular to a given person; personal (subjective experience of laughing at a joke no one else caught the humor of); expressing or bringing into prominence the individuality of the artist or author; relating to the real nature of something; essential; a subjective experience is seeing a movie, where the person you are with gets something different out of it than you did;
Grammar meaning
compare objective

subjectivism, subjectivist.nouns
the quality of being subjective; the theory that individual conscience is the only valid standard of moral judgment; the doctrine that all knowledge is restricted to the conscious self and its sensory states; a theory or doctrine that emphasizes the subjective elements in experience. This theory is cousin to philosophical naturalism.

something that represents something else by association, resemblance, or convention, especially a material object used to represent something invisible; a printed or written sign used to represent an operation, an element, a quantity, a quality, or a relation, as in mathematics or music
symbol, symboled, symboling, symbols.transitive verbs
to symbolize

using, employing, or exhibiting a symbol; consisting of or proceeding by means of symbols; of, relating to, or constituting a symbol; characterized by or terminating in symbols (symbolic thinking); characterized by symbolism (a symbolic dance); of, relating to, or expressed by means of symbols or a symbol; serving as a symbol; using symbolism (symbolic art)
symbolical, symbolically.adverb

symbolize, symbolized, symbolizing, symbolizes.verbs
transitive verb use.to serve as a symbol of (their flag was a symbol of courage and bravery); to represent or identify by a symbol
intransitive verb use.to use symbols
symbolization, symbolizer.nouns

one who uses symbols or symbolism; one who interprets or represents conditions or truths by the use of symbols or symbolism
symbolist, symbolistic.adjectives
of or relating to symbolism

a symbolic meaning or representation; revelation or suggestion of intangible conditions or truths by artistic invention; the practice of representing things by means of symbols or of attributing symbolic meanings or significance to objects, events, or relationships

slight or superficial knowledge
smatter.intransitive verb

a single distinct kind of plant or animal having certain distinguishing.characteristics, enabling it to have a different biological-category; sort; variety; a category of organisms consisting of a group of similar individuals. To evolutionists this often means 'isolated breeding groups' producing changes which they tag 'micro evolution'; what is not seen however, are the sorts of transitions upon which evolutionary theory stands – transitions between fundamentally different structures, called macro evolution

precise; definite; explicit; peculiar to or characteristic of something; of a special sort or kind
a specifying; detailed mention or definition; detailed description of the parts of a whole; statement of particulars as to size, quality, performance, terms, etc. 
something particularly fitted to a use or purpose; a distinguishing.quality or attribute; distinct items or details; particulars

the quality or state of being-specific
specify, specified, specifying, specifies.transitive verbs
to mention, describe, or define in detail; to include in a specification; to state as a condition (specified the measurements)

speculate, speculated, speculating, speculates.intransitive verbs
to think about the various aspects of a given subject; reflect; to engage in a course of reasoning often based on inconclusive evidence; conjecture; to buy or sell stocks hoping to take advantage of an expected rise or fall in price
transitive verb-to assume to be true without conclusive evidence (speculated that the bones found were a contributing factor to the theory of evolution)
speculative, speculatory.adjectives
synonym.think, meditate

happening or arising without apparent external cause; self generated; arising from a natural inclination or impulse and not from external incitement or constraint; growing without cultivation or human labor; occurring or produced within its own energy; indigenous; impulsive (just below)
...spontaneous applies to what arises naturally rather than resulting from external constraint or stimulus (the two suddenly embraced in a spontaneous gesture of affection;."The highest and best form of efficiency is the spontaneous cooperation of a free people."....Woodrow Wilson)
...impulsive refers to the operation of a sudden urge or feeling not governed by reason (saying yes so quickly to a relationship was an impulsive act that worked out well); impulse (offering to help seems is as natural as breathing)

the quality or condition of being spontaneous; spontaneous behavior, impulse, or movement

incapable of producing others of its kind; barren; unfruitful

subsist, subsisted, subsisting, subsists.verbs
intransitive verb use.to exist; be; to remain or continue in existence; to maintain life; live (subsisted on one meal a day); to be logically.conceivable
transitive verb use.to maintain or support with provisions; to support

existence; being; continuance

sustain.transitive verb
to maintain; keep in existence; keep supplied with necessities

synergism, synergist.nouns
the simultaneous action of separate agencies which, together, have greater total effect than the sum of their individual effects
synergetic, synergistic, synergic.adjectives

to work together; the combined or correlated action of different components, the interaction of which is so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects
of or relating to synergy (a synergistic effect); producing or capable of producing synergy

staunch, stauncher, staunchest.adjectives
firm and steadfast; true; faithful; having a strong or substantial construction or constitution

use of supernatural power over others through the assistance of spirits; witchcraft
one who practices sorcery; a wizard

shun, shunned, shunning, shuns.transitive verbs
to keep away from; avoid; escape

the act or process of turning aside or moving to an alternate course; bypass
shunt, shunted, shunting, shunts.verbs
transitive use.to turn or move aside or onto another course (shunting traffic around an accident); to evade by putting aside or ignoring (urgent problems that society can no longer shunt aside); to switch (a train or car) from one track to another
intransitive use.to move or turn aside; to become diverted by means of a shunt

a stem or main axis of a herbaceous plant; a stem or similar structure that supports a plant part such as a flower, flower cluster, or leaf

stalk, stalked, stalking, stalks.verbs
intransitive verb use.to walk with a stiff, haughty, or angry gait.(stalked off in a huff); to move threateningly or menacingly; to track prey or quarry
transitive verb use.to pursue by tracking stealthily; to go through (an area) in pursuit of prey or quarry

spell1, spelled.or.spelt, spelling, spells.verbs
transitive verb use.to name or write in order the letters constituting (a word or part of a word); to constitute the letters of (a word) (these letters spell animal); to add up to; signify (their wise refusal to enter the investment market saved them financially);
intransitive verb use.to form words by means of letters
spell out.phrasal verb
to make perfectly clear and understandable (asked him to spell out his goals); to read slowly and laboriously

a word or formula believed to have special power; a bewitched state; a trance

a short, indefinite period of time; a period of weather of a particular kind (a dry spell); a period of rest (rest a spell); a short period of distress.(a dizzy spell); a short distance (I'm going to walk a spell up the road)
spell, spelled, spelling, spells.verbs
transitive verb use.to relieve (someone) from work temporarily by taking a turn (spelling him off); to allow to rest a while
intransitive verb use.to take turns working

the main ascending.axis of a plant; a stalk or trunk; a slender stalk supporting or connecting another plant part, such as a leaf or flower; a banana stalk bearing several bunches of bananas; a connecting or supporting part; the slender upright support of a wineglass or goblet; the main line of descent of a family

stem, stemmed, stemming, stems.verbs
intransitive verb use.to have or take origin or descent
transitive verb use.to remove the stem of; to provide with a stem; to make headway against (managed to stem the tide of traffic and arrive earlier than was expected)
from stem to stern.idiom.from one end to another
Linguistics.-.the main part of a word to which affixes are added
Nautical - the curved upright beam at the fore of a vessel into which the hull timbers are scarfed to form the prow
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