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gamma rays.noun
very high frequency electromagnetic-radiation, emitted from stars, as a result of radioactive decay. They are like X-rays, but shorter in length. Only lead or collision with an atom can stop them.

Gamma rays come from deep space and emanate from explosions that blast their energy out in all directions. What causes this is a mystery. "We don't know how this is happening" says Tsvi Piri of Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Gamma rays carry positive energy produced by annihilation when an electron and its antiparticle a positron collide. Like neutrinos, they go through us all the time. 

"GRBs (Gamma ray bursts) are brief intense discharges of radiation believed to be the most energetic phenomenon in the Universe...a spinning black hole forms, which both destroys the star (leading to a supernova) and produces jets of particles traveling near the speed of light, which give rise to a gamma ray burst (GRB)." ... Astronomy, January, 2000, pages 32.

Gamma rays have no set pattern of rise and fall, and disappear quickly from view, most of them occurring for only seconds, not allowing enough time for telescopes to track what is happening. However, some last more than a minute, releasing vast amounts of energy, estimated to be about 1038ergs in their few seconds sometimes about a minute) of life. The Sun, for comparison, emits about the same amount of energy, but over 7 hours. Such massive explosions (beyond the ability to see with visible light – without special detection equipment, we would not even know that they are there) regularly occurring "out there" has shocked many scientific disciplines. 

We know that they are not generated by the Sun or any planets. No one is sure exactly where they arise, but it's somewhere beyond a thousand light years away, where matter seems to act so differently.

genome.noun, genomic.adjective
the total genetic-(heredity-factors) compliment (things which agree with each other) of a cell or organism

Genomic DNA is the total of an individual's DNA present in one cell, or to put it another way – every cell of every living thing inherently contains a formula for the particular variety of life that it is. That is how the rose 'knows' it's a rose and the daisy, a daisy. 

This formula is the genome, being a complete haploid (single set of chromosomes) with its associated genes, or, the complete genetic makeup, and written (encoded) in DNA's language. 

The total human genome is about 3 billion base pairs (6 billion in double stranded DNA). This is being categorized along with reams of other related information to stab at understanding how it was all put together, so we can, in utter ignorance, manipulate natural life processes, in a futile race to increase knowledge of how to better patch up the body. 

All this necessitated due to widespread (and increasing) ignorance of optimizing the body through providing proper nutrition. 

An escalating amount of money towards 'effect' research (example, the cancer 'virus', the AIDS 'virus', etc.) responds to the monstrous need created by this inferior (it often leads to a dead end, expensive and complicated misknowledge of health. 

This in turn results in foodstuffs most people today in ignorance ingest, continuing detrimental contributions toward their health declination, fueled by their desire for taste over nutrition.

The further we become distanced from natural methods of health maintenance and away from the causes of various illnesses, the greater the presssure to solve compounding problems caused by the inferior alternate.

wordy and generally unintelligible jargon imitative of the gobbling of a turkey

refers to the theory that macro evolution proceeds through the slow and basically constant accumulation of many small changes in order to effect larger changes

This theory predicts that the fossil record would provide abundant evidence of intermediary life forms as one species is progressively transformed into another.

'giga (109) electron-volt'. An unexcited electron is said to be at rest at 0.5 MeV. 
   One GeV is the energy a proton would acquire while being accelerated through a voltage drop of one billion volts. Particle accelerators reach energies of 103 GeV.

something bitter or distasteful; bitter feeling; rancor; impudence; audacity; effrontery; a sore on the skin caused by rubbing or chafing; irritation, annoyance, vexation
transitive verb use.to irritate, annoy, vex; a spot worn bare; to make the skin sore by rubbing or chafing; to become sore from rubbing or chafing

a member of a nomadic people that arrived in Europe in migrations from northern India around the 14th century, now also living in North America and Australia; many Gypsy groups have preserved elements of their traditional culture, including an itinerant existence, tribal organization, and the Romany language; one inclined to a nomadic, unconventional way of life

characterized by distortions or striking incongruities in appearance, shape, manner, etc.; bizzare
grotesquerie or grotesquery.nouns
the quality or state of being grotesque

group theory.noun
the mathematical study of symmetry, where group is a set of mathematical objects (something you may be analyzing mathematically, like perhaps the fractal patterns shown in a group of fronds in a thicket of ferns) linked by math rules (algorithms)

Horace Greeley. 1811-1872. American journalist and politician who founded and edited the New York Tribune (1841-1872) and in 1872 he ran unsuccessfully for President

garner, garnered, garnering, garners.transitive verbs
to gather fresh grains for storing in a granary; to amass; acquire; reap
a granary

gruff, gruffer, gruffest.adjectives
brusk or stern in manner or appearance (a gruff reply); hoarse; harsh: a gruff voice. [Dutch grof, from Middle Dutch or Middle Low German.] --gruff“ly adv. --gruff“ness n.

of or relating to the throat; having a harsh, grating quality, as certain sounds produced in the back of the mouth

the low, guttural, menacing sound made by an animal (the growl of a dog); a gruff, surly.utterance
growl, growled, growling, growls.verbs
intransitive verb use.to emit a low, guttural sound or utterance; to speak in an angry or surly manner
transitive verb use.to utter by growling (growled the orders)

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