Discipline of mind and body is important. Rise above yourself so that you can do what you know you need, so that you can follow the direction that you know to be correct. Discipline will purify you. It will get rid of objectionable elements that hang around when you are not on the qui vive and drifting as it were.

When you maintain thoughts or desires harmonious with universal purpose, you purify yourself. These thoughts are in perfect harmony with the good you desire.

If you carelessly tell others of your wonderful plans and desires, you run the risk of having them adversely affect your creation. If others think your nuts, their thoughts about you and your idea go into the psychic sea and try to attach to the beautiful new pattern you made by your mental images, and tear it down. Why tell them? Wait until it comes into the visible, then they will see. Show is always better than tell, unless you tell someone else who thinks as you now do, because they can accelerate your good coming to you:."For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." ...Matthew 18:20

You become like those you associate with, and vice versa. Choose friends carefully.

Just because dreams of the past came to nothing, does not mean that is a truth for your future. You know now the laws of the universe that you knew little of back then; back then sensing their presence only. Now you know that what you accept as true for you, must come into the physical from the invisible. Now you know the universal laws work for all who know how to use (come into alignment with) them.

To be sure that the ideas that now come to you are from the right source, and will not take you down another dead end in your life, learn about Ho'oponopono, one way to come into alignment with universal laws, so you get the good in a balance so that your complete life continues to prosper.

Take a lesson from Joe Vitale, star in the movie The Secret: "Use Ho'oponopono to 'clean', to make sure the idea is truly inspired by the Divine. After I've 'cleaned', I wait to see if that idea comes up again. If it comes up 3 times, then I know it's inspired and I act quickly. The Universe likes speed." ...Joe Vitale.
    So what's 'Ho'oponopono'? Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian prayer that cleanses one, that heals one. It works for all who use it because it is a prayer of love.
    One who used it, a Hawaiian therapist named Dr. Hew Len, helped heal an entire ward of insane criminals without seeing any of them. Theexpanding arrows: website logo book reveals his method. It reveals the true cause for everything that happens to you, and how to 'clean' the negativity so channels through your subconscious remain open, connecting with the Divine, connecting with His energy and the universal laws that act upon it.

Answer E5-3 above, copyright www.asksuby.com

Relative Quote:

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." ...John Wooden
