are a phase
of the whole existence, which is spirit. You are a drop of water with all
the qualities of the body of water. Just as the water drop evaporates,
so you will also pass to a different frequency.
Realize that you never 'die'.
Spirit, or, energy never dies. What we call death is the animating
force of the body leaving the physical body. What remains turns to dust
because the molecules.comprising
your body are now apart from your mind.
One may exist here again
in human form until the time that his attitude automatically
allows him to function at higher levels, where, like God, all actions and
reactions are pure love guiding all energy. So, we are here to learn; to
learn what is good for us and all others, and what is not, and to avoid
those things not good.
Once one has learned to embark
on the road of love; once he or she has learned to think and act in balance,
then one is capable of creating a self-sustaining individual universe,
a universe of which the loving individual will be its designer, architect
and creator. Many are at this point already and are doing so, having passed
on from death on this earth.
All that is joy to you in
one dimension
can be experienced at higher levels in each one planned to follow. The
Great Infinite One takes nothing away. He only adds.
Answer C4-5
above, copyright
Relative Quote:
"When it's time to make a
decision about a person or problem, trust your intuition (and) act." ...Bud
Hadfield, executive