To receive your good, consider it from all angles. Think about it. Learn about it, get to know it well, be involved with it mentally. Appreciate it.expanding arrows: website logo

Many serve much but desire too little for themselves. Do not feel being a martyr is more important than being an example of an abundant life.

How do you get anything? Does it come by going after it? Many have spent their whole lives going after health and wealth and are still not very well and broke.

When you firmly resolve to get this or get that, what most often you are really feeling is that you so desperately lack it. And it is this feeling behind your words that the subconscious picks up and brings to pass. So you get more lack. And you work even harder to break this seeming curse on you and it just keeps hanging on.

It is by letting what you want come into your life that it comes. So, how does one 'let' things come that he or she wants? 'Let' is permitting. Let is allowing. Let is to give permission to. Let is knowing it is done. It is done in the invisible and will come into the visible when those invisible workings adjust it to be in harmony with all else, such as your path of life and the paths of others your path affects. Be thankful that all is well. That's one way to let things come to you.

Let the images of the finished product predominate in your heart. This is 'offering your sacrifice' which returns to you greater than what you expected and in more harmonious ways than you imagined.

Ask the Creator, the Great Infinite One for help because really, what can you do on your own without knowing which steps are in harmony to take action upon? The Creator is always listening.

Answer C4-4 above, copyright www.asksuby.com

Relative Quote:

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you did not do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." ...Mark Twain 
