people think abnormally. They do and say
things that disrupt the normal ways of others. They are out of sync
with the laws of the universe. They are headed in a different direction.
Death is one direction; life
is another. Death meaning here, a direction away from life - into the dark
You are not responsible for
another's attitudes. Move away from those with whom you often find yourself
individuals are missing a quality of living you have set your course to
Life is always possible,
never easy, but knowing the secrets of the universe you'll herein learn,
life will always be fun, and increasingly so the stronger you become, and
as you decide to be learning along the way.
Answer C2-4
above, copyright
Relative Quote:
"The propagandist
believes that, given enough time, just about any lie, no matter how ludicrous,
can evolve into fact in the minds of most non-thinkers. This has been repeatedly
proven to be true throughout history. ...Unknown