Run mental movies of your desires when reminded of them. Avoid ritualistic and repetitious forced thinking about what you want. Mental movies should be a joy to recall, not a chore.

Affirmations produce nothing for you if they contain only words. Behind the words must be feeling; meaning you feel sure of what those words signify to you.

Feelings which comprise sureness of purpose for good for you, and which desire benefit for all, are most effective.

Desires can be voided by avoiding the law of balance. Wanting desires fulfiled (brought into effect to the full) so that you benefit by depriving others, does this. Your benefit must be equal to another's benefit if your expectation for fulfilment is to be realized.

Whenever a negative thought comes, that is your signal to not allow it to take root. You do this by supplanting it with a positive thought. If the thought is about a dreaded bill that comes, do not curse it. If you do you give it more power to affect you negatively. Instead think "If the need for the bill to be paid is there, then so is the way to pay it."

If the thought is about you not being well and the belief exists in you that this is normal or that you must be 'made to suffer', renew your mind by changing the thought to something such as this "I am all health. In me dwells the fulfilment of this expression now and it is now in my external life as it is in my internal imagining".

There is no time in the universe, only manifestation of universal energy into form.

Your thoughts are always reflected back to you. Take charge of them now. Do not void your desires by coexisting with doubt.
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Answer B6-2 above, copyright www.asksuby.com

Relative Quote:

"The feeling of resistance or wanting to change what is feeds the past event, decision or belief with your attention or energy. Even though the event or last time you had the problem may be quite some time ago, you act as though it is happening now and make it so. This causes you to continually recreate and reexperience the problem over and over again, which simply feeds it more and makes it appear bigger or more real.
    "Let go of Resisting or Wanting to Change the Problem: If you simply allow yourself to let go of the feeling of resisting or wanting to change the problem or belief, this immediately stops the feeding and weakens the belief or problem. It also feels great and can be done any time, even in action. Welcome How You Feel.
    "When you resist what is, including the feelings we have about the problems or beliefs, we cause them to persist and even get bigger.
    "In addition to letting go of resisting or wanting to change the problem, allow yourself to welcome or allow the feelings you have about them. As you welcome the feelings, just by welcoming them they start to dissolve, and you can allow yourself to let go and move forward in your life much more easily.
    "Let Go of Wanting to Figure Out Why You Have the Problem or What to Do About It: When we are wanting to figure out our problems, we have to hold onto them until we get the answer. We are also looking away from the intuitive knowingness that is always right within us.
    "The only reason that we want to figure out our problems is because we are planning to have them again. When you let go of wanting to figure out what to do about the problem or why it is there, the answers come from within and you simply let the problem go.
    "Let Go of Wanting to Make the Problem or Belief Real Again: Every time we engage in a problem, we appear to give it reality or validity. You can simply ask yourself to let go of wanting to make the problem real again and let go. By letting go of wanting to make the problem real again, you will discover that it is not as real as it appears and you can simply let it go.
    "Let Go of Feeding the Problem: Picture your problems as little animals that live on energy, your energy, and simply let go of wanting to feed them. You can do this by asking yourself, "Could I let go of wanting to feed this problem again?"
    "You can also picture the problem as a little animal and pet it a few times to let it know that you appreciate it for all it has done to attempt to help you, and then send it on its way. Let it know that you can handle life on your own. When the problem does come up in awareness, you can recognize that it is a storehouse of energy waiting to be tapped and simply picture the energy draining out of problem and into your positive goals and intentions." ...Hale Dwoskin, The Sedona Method
