Take time to be alone. Be still and quiet.

Inspiration thrives in unburdened minds.

The subconscious needs opportunities to bring thoughts to your conscious mind for acceptance, rejection, or just awareness and venting. This clears the way for new ideas and concepts as it eradicates blockagesexpanding arrows: website logo caused by fear.

The same applies to relationships with others. Rectify hurts before your day is done in dealing with others.

Hurts will not magnify if you do this.

As your awareness of and belief in the power within you increases, fears, finding no fertile ground to grow in, dissipate.

Answer A5-6 above, copyright www.asksuby.com

Relative Quote:

"To have more is to be in a position to do more. To have more, one needs to be completely satisfied, thankful and grateful with what one now has, and with what one now is." ...Anonymous
