to obtain goods for selfish consumption is an obstacle to the true expression
and fulfilment that you desire. Do not cause more effects than you can
The negative mindset the
bulk of humanity allows itself to be governed by seeks not to give, but
rather to gain selfish advantage in every itty-bitty way that it can. It
is no wonder that the world experiences toxicity on such an all encompassing
The majority who are highly
influenced by their own negativity are missing knowledge of the secret
law of the universe that would bring them every good thing they could imagine.
But, that's it; they just do not understand how to use the gift of imagination
the Infinite One built into each one of us. Our concern is to reach them,
to help them. That is why 'ASK SUBY' exists.
Imagination is used to activate
the law of attraction; that is, what one imagines, what one feels to be
true for him or her, is what attracrs to his or her life experience, as
long as it is not negated by such thoughts as 'this is a lot of crap',
'it does not work', 'I believe the way I've learned to get where I am today
is the way for me that works', 'sounds like a lot of hocus-pocus'.
Thinking this way will destroy any creation that you may have started in
your mind. And guess what? You will get what you believe to be true.
The law of the universe is
that one gets what he focuses upon and believes he deserves, for how can
the Creator's laws of good work for one believing he does not deserve?
Many people remain confused
through not seeking answers. Many do not think at all, drifting along with
the general emotional state of society, allowing life to happen
to them:."He
that withholds the waters, they dry up....." ...Job 12:15.
desire of the righteous is only good, but the expectation of the wicked
is wrath.(those
expecting mostly the negative, but always hoping for better; that is why
they purchase lottery tickets). There is that
scatters and yet increases and there is that withholds more than is meet.(fitting
and proper), but it tends
to poverty. The liberal soul is made fat and he that waters shall be watered
also himself. He that withholds corn, the people shall curse him, but blessing
is upon the head of him that sells it. He that diligently seeks good procures
favour, but he that seeks mischief, it comes unto him. He that trusts in
his riches falls, but the righteous flourish as a branch.(those
that know there is no end to the riches that come out of universal energy).
He that troubles his own house inherits the wind and the fool is servant
to the wise of heart. The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and
he that wins souls is wise. Behold, the righteous are recompensed
in the earth, much more the wicked and the sinner.(original
for 'sin' is 'to miss the mark'; that is,
they did not pursue those things that would have changed their lives)."
...Proverbs 11:23-31.
I said, Surely these are poor, they are foolish; for they know not the
way of the Lord.(the
secret that would bring them more than enough that they could ever use
and enough to greatly benefit others), nor
the judgment of their God.(which
is always good them them if they would only allow it)."
...Jeremiah 5:4.
The judgment
of the Infinite Creative Intelligence is: the laws of the universe put
into force to always work according to what one has in his mind:."For
the work of a man shall he render unto him and cause every man to find
according to his ways." ...Job 34:11.
Answer F3-7
above, copyright
Relative Quote:
"Don't assume that money,
shelter and creature comforts are enough to demonstrate your love. Nothing
can replace your presence, your hug, your smile, your touch. Nothing can
replace you!" ...Unknown