good indication that you are where you should be in life is if you can
tell no difference between work and fun time.
Do not become mentally constipated. Use what you
absorb. It is better to take in little and take action upon it.
occurs to those in line with the only way in the universe that works (once
you understand it from this side), and that is the way of love.
Wish only good toward others. The only way you
can help is by maintaining the high standards you aspire
You will soon be in a better situation. As you
maintain a mental apartness from this situation by continuing to focus
on only the positive, it will die.
When in a balanced, happy, loving and harmonious
state of mind you will not remain in an inharmonious
Your only obligation
to others is to love them ("Owe no man any thing,
but to love one another; for he that loves another has fulfilled the law."
...Romans 13:8), and with some, it is easier to love them when you
are distanced from them, or when they are distanced from you. Adjust yourself
so as to love them.
It is better to be away from mentally draining
situations than to try to change them by 'getting right in there to do
something about it now'. It is better to do mental work on it in your imagination,
and then await a change in circumstances surrounding the issue.
Scenery, books, positive people, music, whatever
lifts your spirit and tends
to elevate you should be sought. In the evening, or at a time when alone
and at peace, consider the disagreement. There is something you should
learn from it that cannot surface to your conscious mind when agitated.
Answer F2-5
above, copyright www.asksuby.com
Relative Quote:
"It is far better to dare
mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure,
than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer
much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory, nor
defeat." ...Theodore Roosevelt