The Creator is expressing as a the unique you that you are, apart from all negativity that you may still be holding onto. Have the courage to be honest.

To be blessed all through life, one must be honest.

When you are aware of the presence of the Creator in you the subsequent emotion of success will lead you to choices where you can make a decision for victory. Once a decision is made, the money will come.

Never say you do not have the money to do it. That is the thinking of bean counters andexpanding arrows: website logo why so few of them ever prosper greatly. Their minds are always on how to get more of it and/or on how the limited supply they see can be better managed. There is no lack of anything in the invisible realm from where all good comes.

The Creator is extremely rich. This Creator supports Its own energy that has become all we see and know of, including us. 

This Energy creates whatever is wanted that is good according to your input into it; that is, according to what you've accepted as true for you.

What is in your mind, your imagination, is more 'real' than the slowed down frequencies of the invisible that we see, touch and feel in this so-called 'physical' world. What is in your mind comes out of the invisible according to the impressions you've accepted and either blesses or 'curses' your future.

Answer F1-1 above, copyright www.asksuby.com

Relative Quote:

"One person with a belief is equal to a force of ninety nine with only interests." ...John Stuart Mill

"There is no advantage in having an unfair advantage. Such an 'advantage' is only destruction to come." ...Anonymous
