Life is a great compensator. Do not be alarmed if others appear to have advantage. Life has either given it to them or it hasn't. If it has not, it will perish in time.

Do not get out of line by questioning success so as to find fault with it. Many things are not as they should be, but they are there so we can learn and progress.

Personal problems are there so you can discover your true subconscious nature, which means that the connection to Universal Intelligence does indeed exist within you.

If life was perfect for you from your birth, you would be denied the opportunity to select a way to live. You would never discover laws of the universe. You would never discover that you have dominion over your life by the thoughts that you select.

Decisions are what propel one through life.
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The power of the universe fulfilling the visions you possess can lift you beyond any circumstance into great joy.

You are here to discover that a way exists with which you can be in conscious agreement.

Answer E4-4 above, copyright www.asksuby.com

Relative Quote:

"What the caterpillar calls the end, the rest of the world calls a butterfly." …Lao Tsu
