Depending on the amount of help that you determine to experience as a result of conscious alignment with your illuminated subconscious, one moves forward.

Look at the inventor, the scientist, the engineer, the medical specialist, the physicist. Many years of learning, practice and labor must be experienced first.

Those in authority, whether parents, teachers or government officials have an obligation to effectively help and serve those whom they affect. This contributes to high vibrations within the sea of mind, the collective consciousness and these high vibrations are most effective in eliminating corruptness.

Vandalism comes from individuals who are frustrated; this being the real or imagined feeling that they are somehow prevented from accomplishing a purpose and/or fulfilling their desires. Such are those unable to discipline themselves.

And this, the result of a society (includes parents, many of whom are 'dumb ass' parents.{parents which are selfishly inclined to the exclusion of caring and training their children properly}) that has little, if any, idea of what a child really is, no idea of what knowledge to impart to a child, so he or she could live a securely comfortable and productive life; no effective desire to gain and use knowledge that could be beneficial for their children.

There is such satisfaction when a child produces his or her best having enthusiasm, purpose and confidence.

Education today has no fundamental way to provide for complete brain development producing the full potential that the brain is hard wired to achieve; but there are those working to help.

This systemexpanding arrows: website logo will put you into alignment with the power of the universe, so that you gain advantage in all aspects of your life.

Answer E3-2 above, copyright www.asksuby.com

Relative Quote:

"Adulthood is defined by the willingness to accept full responsibility for where you are at in life; no longer blaming others or circumstances." …Joe Westbrook, Networker and Student of Philosophy
