Seek happy people, places and experiences. You do find what you look for. Your environment also helps your outlook, and can get your heart out of the doldrums if you let it affect you to that end.

You select how you want to be by what you agree with. Agree only with that which is in line with the universal principle of love. The Infinite One is only love.

Think about those with whom you contemplate growth. It is easy for jealousness to develop when the goal that unites becomes lackluster.

No matter what you achieve, you are always urged onward by an inner desire to reach further. When you gain something, the Infinite Oneexpanding arrows: website logo wants it used as a step to go up higher in character, so you will always be going into more of life. More of life includes periods of rest and peace too. If you can't recharge, how can you keep going well?

Give thought to the people you may get involved with and less thought to the goal. This is your protection as you consider a decision.

Answer E2-1 above, copyright www.asksuby.com

Relative Quote:

"In organizations, unless ethical values are advocated and enforced, the risk of unethical behavior remains high. You get what you reward." …Michael Josephson
