Rise above the situation. If most of what you see is depressing, you must get new vision. Go have a talk in solitude with yourself. Pour out your heart and hopes to yourself. Your subconscious is there, ready and willing to respond and help.

Through your subconscious is the door to the Great Infinite Intelligence of the universe who made you, knows you better than you do, and has the intelligence to guide you into all happiness, into your heart's desires that are good for you and for others.

The Infinite loves you, and will always be as close to you as you wish His presence to be with you. The main characteristic of this Being is that Heexpanding arrows: website logo is all love, loving you greater than you could even begin to imagine, and has such a future for you!

Keep the door to your heart open for good thoughts to come in. From here you grow, and wonders will soon happen to in your life. Your subconscious will continue to lead you into new joy after you do this.

Never again allow the new to become old by anxious concern and nervous involvement.

Answer D7-7 above, copyright www.asksuby.com

Relative Quote:

"The truly liberated human being is not always fighting against something, but more frequently is fighting for something or someone." ...Denis Waitley, star in the movie.The Secret
