Confusion is a product of impurity of purpose, not being sure which direction should be taken. This is a product of not being in alignment with universal law, the only thing that works good for you and those you care about. If your life and/or the life/lives of those you care about is crappy, you know you are out of alignment. Yes, you! This is because we are all one in the universal sea. You may not completely understand all this yet, but it is the way things are in the invisible. When things are right for you it affects all in the universe.

You, yes you, in order to change what it is that is not right, you have to take all responsibility for the feelings you have about it. After all, they are your feelings. Once you do this in your heart, you are then in a mental position for it to be straightened out.

To do this, you have to understand that what is in the mind becomes physical life, as what is in the mind flies in and out of the invisible portion of the universe thousands of times a second, where adaption of what you are (which is what you want, what you think) occurs with consideration of what you need, where you are going in life and what is presently of concern to you.

Once this occurs it comes into the physical, either all at once or portions as appropriate.

Imagine in your mind the perfect situation for all for 30 minutes. Then, leave it with the 'universe'. Watch the change.

Once you come out of your 30 minutes and are back with them all, think of them only as you did when in your 30 minutes. Do not think of them as you would normally have; you know, their old ways, etc.

Your purposes must always be fairness, honesty, integrity, concern for others, equal to concern for yourself. Consider proposed actions according to these criteria.

Your effectiveness and influence upon others is in proportion to the concept that you hold of yourself. It has nothing to do with them. It all has to do with you.

High standards enable vision. The ancients said."Where there is no vision, the people perish; but he that keeps the law (of love), happy is he." ...Proverbs 29:18.

This vision occurs when the conscious and subconscious functions of your mind are illuminated, awakened by Infinite Intelligence. And this occurs because of your conscious desire to have it so.

With this vision you become able to walk (live) the straight and narrow path that enables you to progress and not head toward perishing in despair. This is the straight and narrow path of life that those accepting life by default have no idea of:."Because strait is the gate and narrow is the way, which leads unto life and few there be that find it." ...Matthew 7:14.

It isexpanding arrows: website logo true that to really learn something, begin to teach it. With this in mind, consider that one can only recognize the amount of infinite love that one from his heart desires to give. Learn to give more of what is good that you feel and new ways will be made known to you to increase in effectiveness.

Answer D3-5 above, copyright www.asksuby.com

"Ever notice that how you treat people in your life today is the single, biggest factor in determining how people in your life tomorrow, even totally different people, will treat you?" ...Mike Dooley, star in the movie The Secret
