Your desires stem from your understanding of the contrasts of life. We know of light because we know of darkness. We know happy times because we have been acquainted with sadness.

This awareness of contrasts allows opportunities for desires to surface. Night is the time of philosophy, the opportunity to think, to contemplate and the occasion to get to know yourself by asking yourself questions. If you do not understand yourself, how can you expect others to come to know who you are?

Use relaxed times to get to know what it is you really are and what it is you want here.

Fulfilment of desires comes to those who decide what it is that they want. The good in life will be yours if you do these things and if you follow as much good as you become increasingly aware of.expanding arrows: website logo

Answer D2-7 above, copyright www.asksuby.com

Relative Quote:

"For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth, to know the worst and provide for it." ...Patrick Henry, 1736-1799. American Revolutionary leader and orator. A member of the House of Burgesses (1765) and the Continental Congress (1774-1776), he spurred the creation of the Virginia militia with his words "Give me liberty, or give me death." (1775). He also served as governor of Virginia (1776-1790).
