Many cling to their troubles. This is insanity! Troubles persist for them. Insanity is thinking the same ways every day, and all the while hoping for a different result! Don't let troubles persist for you. There is a way around them.

Most peoples' lives involve getting 'out there' and away from having to face what it is that they know they are. So, they head to work, to shopping, to church, to a football or hockey game, just to leave for awhile what they normally feel about themselves. They may be attempting to get away from depression, sadness, a feeling of just being fed up with themselves and their present world, etc. So they seek a submerging into something where they are not their own focus, but rather a part of some greater thing. And, this is the desire for expression in us seeking part of a greater declaration all right! But it can only be fulfilling when located inside of us. All other involvements bring temporary and fleeting satisfactions, even though they are real, and somewhat helpful. Ever feel sad a good friend has left to go away from you again? With them, you were part of a greater aspect.

The more the focus is on negative attitudes, the more that attitude will be amplified. Eventually the attitude will draw one into situations in accordance with it.

Instead, imagine a better you. Imagine and write down in a short personal novel, the kind of person you want to become, the kind of person you want to be with, what you want your life to be like. Or, at least take time before bed each night for awhile to imagine exactly how you would like your life to become.

You go where your mind goes. Give for yourself ('forgive', for giving to yourself, and don't think of past negatives; you do this by awareness of the present, not being run by past memories or worrying over the future) the qualities of mind that will necessitate change for your betterment.

Decideexpanding arrows: website logo to emphasize courage, health, confidence, happiness, contentment, cheerfulness, and prosperity, by emphasizing that which contributes to these attitudes in your and others' lives.

You cannot give what you do not have. Give these qualities to yourself and you will then be able to effectively be of benefit to others.

You give these and other higher good qualities to yourself by two things, attention and intention. What you decide you desire to have as character qualities you naturally will give attention to.

As Deepak Chopra has said, when you say to yourself "I am", or another person that you may have in mind "Mary is", that is your attention focus at this time, and the intention part is what you intend for yourself or the other; example "I am healthy in all aspects of my experience."

You recognize this as a fact. This is faith. That's it. That's all you do. The Intelligence which is the universe understands how to bring it about and will, as it is love and as such is the source of all that supports humankind. So, leave it there with the universe. The rest is up to it, not you. The universe will make you aware again when these things are in process of coming into reality. The further you can detach yourself from tinkering in your mind with the result, the quicker it comes.

The universe understands how to do these things. It's not important at this time for you to understand its workings. You know electricity works but you may not understand what electricity really is.

Answer D2-3 above, copyright www.asksuby.com

Relative Quote:

"Transformational circumstances are coincidental, that is, more than one experience occurs related to an event. This arouses emotion, that taps into what is called the cosmic consciousness of the universe, what we often refer to as God, and empowers one to exceed their previous levels of living." ...Unknown
