This inner power called God, the Force, Universal Intelligence and many other names in many lands, is Principle. It is the Principle of all good. It is life. It is Intelligent Energy. It thought man into being. What It thinks It creates with its energy. It gave us the ability to  bring things into being. We can for example, bring children into being, because of the way the universal energy has been specified by this Great Intelligence. We recognize time, but It knows time not as we do:."But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." ...2Peter 3:8.

When you imagine what you want, there is no time factor, only a pattern of production in the universal energy. A factory is the same. They know some things require more assembly, according to the pattern that particular item may have. The Infinite Intelligence has designed all possible invisible patterns.

Once your pattern is designed by you, it goes into the creative energy. Here it is matched with what patterns are there, and the invisible work behind the scenes begins to take place; similair to conception of a sperm and an eff. There are corollaries of all earth things to the invisible patterns.

If there was no pattern there, one is constructed in the invisible. All things come out of this formative energy.

In its own time, you will see your idea in your life. All patterns are possible, so don't hesitate. I mean we are talking creative powerful energy here:."…with God all things are possible." ...Matthew 19:26.

How long? Like seeds, some take a few weeks, others a few months. Your excitement and love over it appearing does cause it to occur quicker.

In a controlled experiment two sets of flower were fed and watered the same. The difference between one and the other was that one set was given time to be appreciated, to be talked to, to have a feeling of affection for. Nice thingsexpanding arrows: website logo toward that set were thought and said to it. That set grew twice as large and with more beautiful flowers than the set of flowers that was ignored.

It was the same story in a hospital where a particular group of babies were handled, held and loved.

Energy flows where mind goes.

Answer D1-7 above, copyright www.asksuby.com

Relative Quote:

"Few men during their lifetime come anywhere near exhausting the resources dwelling within them. There are deep wells of strength that are never used." ...Richard Byrd, explorer, aviator
