A disturbed subconscious will have difficulty enjoying sleep. Stay awake for awhile before your normal bed time in a quiet and still or dark place, where you will not be interrupted.

Your subconscious needs to bring thoughts, all kinds, both good and bad, to your conscious mind. You need to be aware of these thoughts. You do not necessarily need to do anything with them.expanding arrows: website logo Just let them come to your mind and then just as easily, let them go.

When you feel it is time to go to sleep, query yourself on what it is that you have learned as you lay there awaiting sleep. What it is that you have gained, retain in mind until asleep. Doing this improves getting to sleep and staying asleep. Continue the sessions when you find it necessary.

Answer C3-4 above, copyright www.asksuby.com

Relative Quote:

"One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his greatest surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he could not do." ...Henry Ford
