You are absolutely immune to any and all covert or hidden plots now working against you that have not been caused by you. They will not be hidden for long. You will soon know of them.

The universe has ways to ensure harmony for those who believe in harmony. It is not your responsibility to straighten out all concerned.

Each day expect and accept the good that is there when you recognize it. Consider spending time on thoughts which are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtue andexpanding arrows: website logo praise.

The clean and quiet new day will dawn.

Be careful in all you do. Do only the best you are capable of, and avoid even thinking what you know in your heart not to be of that quality.

Answer C1-1 above, copyright www.asksuby.com

Relative Quote:

"Great dancers are not great because of their technique; they are great because of their passion."  ...Martha Graham, 1894-1991, Dancer, Teacher and Choreographer