With desire and open-mindedness on your part, your teacher's efforts will be as effective as his/her determination and ability allows.expanding arrows: website logo

Learning occurs to the exact degree that you desire inner harmony, rapport or at-one-ment (a feeling and knowing of being at one) with the information at hand. You keep your mind open by not mentally reacting to negative moments and comments, and by trying to keep your feelings from affecting your mental view.

Circumstances should not control the rise and fall of your feelings. Become mature and in rapport with information you like and feel attached to. When in rapport with it, the mind is capable of processing information in new ways. Believing certain ideas have personal value ensures this. This enables you to continue with interest.

Answer A5-4 above, copyright www.asksuby.com

Relative Quote:

"Knowledge without action on it is about as much good as air with no one to breath it." ...Anonymous
