Judge righteously and seek knowledge from within. Decide what's right for you. This involves what is right for all whomexpanding arrows: website logo you may affect.

It is natural to be happy, secure, sure of the future, healthy, loving and loved.

The universe woill not cheat you if you do not cheat it, which means anthing in it, and that includes others. One cheats the universe by being unhappy, selfish, uncooperative, jealous, greedy and stingy. Do not allow your mind to focus continually upon being unhappy with the way things presently are. Just recognize the negatives so you can see that the opposite would be better, and that these positive opposites are what you should keep in mind.

All is one. We are all inter-connected through the subconscious.

Answer A5-3 above, copyright www.asksuby.com

Relative Quotes:

"You subconsciously demand all your experiences, and you deliver to others the experiences they subconsciously request. …Susan Shumsky, Miracle Prayer

"We all have negatives. These are for our learning. Until we learn how to love, we stay stuck. Make it your daily mission to silently say 'I love you' (for yourself and others) in all you do. See if things change for you." ...Anonymous

"Keep on going, and the chances are you will stumble on to something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I have never heard of anyone stumbling on something sitting down." ...Charles F. Kettering, Engineer and Inventor

"He who has time to criticize others, has no time for self-improvement." …Dr. Joe Vitale
