Suspicion holds you back. Why think about others so much?expanding arrows: website logo You are putting this negative expression in place of your true inner guidance, guidance to help you create the life you want.

If you wish to move ahead in life, bring out the true nature of yourself by thinking on how to be a blessing to others. You will always have trouble if you allow your mind to be emotionally upset.

It is the movement of your own mind that is the cause of difficulty. Nothing has power of its own to upset you except as you allow it. Wish (to wish is to want in your heart) for others all the blessings that is possible for you to recognize them possessing. When you can do this and sincerely mean it, you are able to move forward.

Answer A4-7 above, copyright www.asksuby.com

Relative Quote:

"Find peace with yourself by accepting not only what you are, but what you are never going to be." …Anonymous
