Try it. It is only for a short while. You can gain much in ways you're not now aware of. The importance of risk taking will diminish in proportion to one's progress as experience is gained along the way, but we all are where we are now. Allowing the subconscious to guide you guarantees a healthful long and prosperous life. Give thought to it, all the while knowing you are being guided by your subconscious connection with God the Infinite One and then handle it. If you don't believe in God, you're in for a life of uncertainty and confusion indeed.

If you do believe in God, you will automatically take theexpanding arrows: website logo action designed to benefit everyone.

There are always degrees of risk. There is also much to gain. Share with only those who have open minds. They are able to benefit from the guidance the subconscious has brought to you. Don't spend your time elsewhere right now. Those with closed minds are at a level you have passed on from.

Answer A4-3 above, copyright www.asksuby.com

"There is a time when a man distinguishes the idea of felicity from the idea of wealth; it is the beginning of wisdom." …Ralph Waldo Emerson.
