To express a quality you feel you need, imagine yourself asexpanding arrows: website logo having that quality. See yourself in your mind living as you wish. Whatever the idea, it will radiate from your mind and impel action to be shared with the world, once it is plain to you. That's how we got the electric light and many other inventions of great use to humanity. That's how we can adopt personal qualities that affect those in our world, including us. Action begets action. Act when you are clear on what to act on.

Answer A3-1 above, copyright www.asksuby.com

Relative Quotes:

"Read a book about selling. Everytime you interact with another, the principles will come in handy. They are principles of living. Selling is not manipulating another to buy something from you, but rather presenting in a way that's honest and truthful, something that others want to accept." …origin unknown

"Do something kind for someone every day." …origin unknown
