Acquire companions who will sharpen your mind, companions you can learn from to improve yourself, as well as those you can have fun with.expanding arrows: website logo Do not give credibility to discomfort you may feel when you are with negative people. Just be nice, but don't get involved with their consciousness, their points of view and their schemes. The messages that come from your soul are of either comfort or discomfort telling you to back off or accept.

Ask for inner help to like these people; just say, "Please help me like 'name'." The subconscious always responds to what is in your conscious mind. Dislike, distrust, envy and jealousy impede the learning process and hinder openmindedness and restrict much good from occurring. 

Answer A2-5 above, copyright www.asksuby.com

Relative Quotes:

"Anyone can make money, some more so, some less so, but making a life worth living for yourself and for others is only for the wise." ...origin unknown

"The moment you let avoiding failure become your motivator, you’re down the path of inactivity." ...Roberto Goizueta, CEO, Coke

"People anxious to improve their circumstances but unwilling to improve themselves, remain bound." ...James Allen

"Pray for the potato but grab the hoe." ...Rick Leduc

"You should try to meet the most successful person in your city, your company, your industry.
    "You call them up on the phone and read the script. Here is an example of a helpful script:
    "Hi, my name is ______. We've never met but I really admire you. The reason I'm calling is that I would like to meet briefly with you. I'm trying to hit new levels in my business life and I know I could learn from someone like you. I will only need 37 minutes of your time. When we meet, I will have a list of well thought out questions. I will take notes and I will act on the advice you give me. Also, I will report back to you all my progress." ...origin unknown
