Do you believe you will improve? Good. Are you working to improve? Good. Are you heading in the right direction for you? Are you happy,expanding arrows: website logo contented and fulfilled? If not, consider a change of direction. Depending on your present situation and frame of mind, there are just as many positives awaiting you in a different direction. Consider this and act without fear as you become aware of opportunities to improve yourself. When you find one you like put your heart into it. It may do well. It maybe just another short pathway along the uncertain way to a greater thing: "Whatsoever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the grave ...." ...Ecclesiastes 9:10.

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Relative Quote:

"When you hear successful people talk about how they got where they are, what do you hear? Do they say that they just opened their eyes one morning each day fully present, alive and success was all around them? No, their stories are full of how their failures taught them and directed them toward success.
   "You may have heard the story about the young man who asked the wise man, "How did you get to be so wise?" "By making wise choices" the wise man answered. "How did you know they were wise choices?" the young man countered. "Why, by experience, of course" the old man replied. "How did you get experience?" the young man asked. "By making poor choices!" the wise old man exclaimed. Knowing that every challenging experience contains the seeds of its opposite makes life a constant learning experience and a great adventure into wisdom.".…Hale Dwoskin, star in the movie The Secret
