You are what you think. Take time to think. When your mind is free of physical concerns, your subconscious awakens. You can then decide with guidance from your subconscious mind just what kind of person you want to be, what kind of life you want to live, what type of people and circumstances you want in it. This thought process will provide you with the continuous energy you need to follow through. It is important to act upon circumstances that will present themselves. There are no coincidences: "Cast your bread upon the waters, for you shall find it after many days."....Ecclesiastes 11:1.

Diets do not work because you have to first see yourself as you want to become, instead of seeing yourself as fat and using will powerexpanding arrows: website logo to diet. The operating system in you, your subconscious conditioning, is the engine behind what you do. To alter its programming you have to continue seeing yourself at your ideal figure in your mind. Pictures of slim people help. Look at them daily. The subconscious does not think. Your conscious mind is the 'keyboard' for instructions going into the subconscious. From here they are taken into the intelligent energy of the universe - the realm of the Creator - and then sent back in a form that considers your answer in regard to all else going on. This is an ongoing process occurring many thousand of times per second.
   Know that the image you hold of you is you and that the subconscious simply 'takes' your conscious idea and proceeds to implement it as is best for you and all else.

Thoughts are things you can not see, but they are real things nonetheless, real things that have particular invisible frequencies supporting their continuance. To get the results you want you had better not be 'using the remote, flipping through the channels'. You have to choose how you want your future to be and stick to that station, yet being flexible as you are being guided through life. Being in a state of love and gratitude enable you to know when to throw off an idea that seems to always be going nowhere.

Like the seed in the ground, you do not see its invisible working, but you know for sure that soon it will spring out of the ground for all to see.

It is the same with the laws of the universe and how your mind works in harmony with them. Your sureness here of a positive  outcome is the faith, the confidence in what you believe to be good for you and others, which means 'accepting as true' that the outcome will be overall for good for all as formulated in your mind: "Now faith is the substance.(original for 'substance' is 'confidence', 'reason for occurrence', the cause for it to occur').of things hoped for.(original for 'things hoped for' is 'trusts and expectations'), the evidence.(original 'a proof, that by which a thing is proved or tested').of things not seen."....Hebrews 11:1.

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Relative Quote:

"Whatever you believe becomes your reality. Well, partially. Your wants and desires for life for you and your loved ones are meliorated because the Creator both takes your wants and gives back to the physical reality your wants as adjusted considering all others and all things to be affected.
   We have a tendency to block out information coming to us that is inconsistent with our reality. As a result, we can go through life not seeing things that would benefit us. Try it! Go see a movie. Play continuous close attention to it all. Then, see it again. You'll notice things that you missed the first time. That's why you have a memory! Run the movie of your day sometime before bed. You'll see things that you would otherwise have missed, and in that way, you won't have wasted the day."....origin unknown
