N o t e s

It's simple to do. Sit quietly. You don't even have to close your eyes unless you want to. Perhaps focus on a flower. Just observe it. One can meditate while walking. Have a favorite word like peace, joy, helpfulness, kindness, love, consideration or any others of such like higher consciousness words. One often used is 'I choose love' or, I am thankful' or, 'I choose happiness'. Your spirit will prompt you at time with other things as time goes by.

Say your meditation in your mind to yourself about every 5 seconds to set the pattern. Then just be quiet noticing if your mind starts to wander away. And if it does, just repeat it to bring your mind back to some stillness. The mind is so busy, always chattering.

Another way is to be quiet, focus on your breath. Notice the part just before you start to breath in after you exhale. Here is what is called the real you. You can also see this by turning your attention to who is listening, who is observing, when you are listening to something and when you are watching something.

It all works! You life will show a difference. Please just keep it up. Meditation is so important. It's the key to changing the world to good as the experiments in this video by a world reknown Harvard trained Ph. D. quantum physicist have proved beyond any doubt:

Also, for more about meditation and check out https://www.deepakchopra.com and search there for 'meditation'.

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