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SK SUBY (pronounced like 'subway' and 'submarine', so - 'sub e') is used for daily life guidance. 'Suby' is your subconscious.

Hear The Still Small Voice Within You

Instantly Receive Answers To Your Questions

Ask Suby Connects You To Your Own Inner Guidance

How It Works

Ask Suby is a consciousness tool that easily connects you with your subconscious mind (suby).

Your subconscious mind is fed by hidden springs of the Unified Field within and all around you that knows the answers to everything.

The Infinite Intelligence within you is flowing through you at all times and can instantly answer all your most important questions.

Why It Works

Sceintific experiments have proven over and over that consciousness influences random number generators.

When you ask your question and click on the the button a random number like generator is engaged and your consciousness influences the answer that will be selected.

How To Use

        Take a few deep breaths to relax
        Clearly formulate your question in your mind
        Click the button knowing you'll be answered

Feel free to print out the answer. If you need more information or feel you should ask again, do so until you are satisfied. Ask Suby is free to use. Written Instructions here. FAQ here.

Some people have a question about the Ask Suby logo.

With Ask Suby, you have a question that you
want an answer to.

Perhaps write it down so it's clear to you.

Close your eyes and in your mind go over the question again. Click on the yellow button and there's your answer!

Problem with codes. In process of being fixed


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